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Techsville Pty Ltd


WHS Policy Statement


This document lists our health and safety objectives, our responsibilities to our employees and our employees' work health and safety (WHS) obligations.

What we will do

Techsville Pty Ltd recognises its moral and legal responsibilities under work health and safety legislation to provide a safe and healthy work environment. This commitment means that we will:

  • Provide a safe and healthy workplace and working conditions for all, including employees, contractors, customers and visitors

  • Providing instruction, training and supervision  to improve understanding of workplace hazards, including safe work practices and emergency procedures.

  • Comply with all relevant legislation and industry standards of the WHS act 2011.

  • Provide support and assistance to employees.

  • Consult with staff and contractors where relevant to enhance the effectiveness of procedures.

  • Provide adequate resources to aid employees in fulfilling their responsibilities.

  • Conduct investigations into all reported incidents.

  • Ensure that appropriate return to work programs are in place.

  • Conduct regular reviews and evaluations of the health and safety systems in place.

What employees are expected to do

While at work, all employees - irrespective of their position - will:

  • Take reasonable care to ensure good health and safety procedures are implemented at all times

  • Identify and support measures to eliminate or minimise unsafe conditions

  • Assume personal responsibility for their own safety and for those of other work colleagues by always operating in a safe and appropriate manner.

  • Maintain a clean and orderly work area.

  • Report all hazards, near misses, incidents, injuries and illnesses.

  • Actively participate in safety improvement activities.

  • Harassment of any forms is not permitted in the workplace.

  • Techsville has a zero tolerance for drugs and alcohol.


This WHS policy will be reviewed every 2 years unless our management team in consultation with employees makes changes. Techsville will conduct audits of our management system and will also review and measure our WHS productivity.


Updated 12-11-14                   Jason Knox            Head of IT             Version 3.02

Next update 12-11-16

Highlighted are the 5 additional policies that shows the organisations commitment to the WHS act of 2011.

WHS Policies


During a toolbox meeting Jason Knox the head of IT will announce that he will be setting up a safety committee. In doing this he will need 1 team member from each department to volunteer to be on the committee. If successful the committee members will be trained in manual handling and will also receive a first aid certificate.

Team members on the committee will serve a term of 12 months maximum term 3 yearsthen they can re-apply or stand down as a committee member. 

Meetings will be once a month on the second friday of each month.

Techsville Pty Ltd


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Proudly created by Jason Knox

500 Terry Francois St.

San Francisco, CA 94158

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